Your Guide to the Pisces New Moon

Your Guide to the Pisces New Moon

The New Moon falls at 20° Pisces on March 10th at 4:00am CT. This is the last new moon in the astrological year before the Spring Equinox on March 19th as well as the last lunation before the upcoming eclipse season.

Chart for the New Moon in Pisces

A new moon marks the end of one and beginning of a new lunar cycle. It is like closing all of your tabs and restarting your browser to work on something new. Consider this a time to go inward and reflect on where you are so that you may create a roadmap for the next phase of your journey.

Pisces is the dreamer and also the mystic, as this sign contains all of the knowledge of the rest of the zodiac. It is a mutable, water sign whose drive is to embody unconditional love and to shift into oneness. Pisces blurs boundaries, dissolving walls between the material and spiritual realms, and between the self and other.

Aspects to the New Moon in Pisces

This New Moon carries a profound resonance as it aligns closely with Neptune, the planet of imagination, illusion, and transcendence (also, Pisces' modern ruling planet). Neptune's influence amplifies our connection to the unseen realms, inviting us to explore the depths of our subconscious and surrender to the flow of universal energies. During this lunation, dreams may become more vivid, intuition heightened, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy may blur.

Additionally, the New Moon forms a harmonious sextile aspect with Uranus in Taurus, infusing the atmosphere with an electrifying jolt of change and innovation. Uranus urges us to embrace the unexpected and break free from stagnant patterns, while Taurus provides grounding energy, encouraging us to anchor our visions into tangible reality.

So what does this mean? This New Moon encourages us to embrace the duality of Pisces energy—finding solace in the realm of dreams and intuition while also staying grounded in practicality and resilience. It's a time for spiritual exploration, creative inspiration, and embracing the beauty of impermanence.

As we navigate this New Moon, remember to listen closely to the whispers of your soul, trust your intuitive guidance, and remain open to the magic of transformation. Embrace the unknown with courage and curiosity, knowing that within the depths of uncertainty lies the potential for profound growth.

What to Expect During this New Moon

During this New Moon in Pisces, some people can expect to experience heightened sensitivity and intuition. If you have any personal planets from 15°—25° in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), you may feel the effects of this New Moon more heavily. The conjunction with Neptune amplifies the dreamy and mystical qualities of Pisces, making this an ideal time for spiritual exploration and inner reflection. You may find yourself drawn to activities that nourish your soul, such as meditation, yoga, or creative expression.

Emotions may run deep during this time, and you may feel more empathetic and compassionate towards others. It's essential to practice self-care and set boundaries to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the emotions of those around you.

With the sextile aspect to Uranus in Taurus, there's also a potential for unexpected insights and breakthroughs. Be open to new ideas and opportunities that may present themselves, even if they seem unconventional or out of the ordinary.

Overall, this New Moon invites individuals to dive deep into the realms of their subconscious, trust their intuition, and embrace the magic of the unknown. It's a potent time for spiritual growth, creative inspiration, and connecting with the deeper truths of existence.

The soundtrack to this New Moon is:

Now let's get into what this means for your sign...