Your Guide to the 🌚 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries ♈️

Your Guide to the 🌚 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries ♈️

Alright, friends, let's dive into the cosmic whirlpool that is Aries Season this year, where we find ourselves amidst the drama of eclipses and Mercury retrograde. The grand spectacle started with a Lunar Eclipse, and now we're right in the thick of it with a Solar Eclipse—talk about Spring's urge for a fresh start! Before we dive into this particular eclipse let's get up to speed on what solar eclipses are.

What's the difference between a Solar Eclipse and a regular New Moon?

New Moons are when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth. The moon appears to disappear from the sky. Solar Eclipses happen on a New Moon where the Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth.

What does this look like in the sky?

For regular New Moons, we don't notice them during the day and we may just notice the absence of the moon glowing at night. In the path of totality (the location on earth where the total eclipse is visible) the moon moves across the sun, then appears to have a halo before a moment of total darkness – which is much more noticeable!

Once the moon passes through that point, it goes back to having a halo. As it keeps moving the sun is revealed again.

Totality can last from a few seconds to a maximum of 7.5 minutes, depending on where you are located.

What does this mean in astrology?

A solar eclipse is kind of like a new moon that is being super extra in whatever sign it is in. If a New Moon is restarting your computer because it was acting kinda slow, a Solar Eclipse is like doing an operating system update and rebooting after that. Solar Eclipses are when you are locking in all of the lessons you have learned so far and integrating them into how you approach your daily life. Old, outdated programs are removed and new apps are installed to help you on your journey.

Eclipses come in series, occurring in opposing signs as the North and South Nodes transit through the same signs for ~2.5 years. This means that the lessons or leveling up that is occurring is not just about what has been happening since the last Full Moon. Instead, it is about a few rounds of integrating something bigger and really mastering a particular part of the chart.

By understanding its potential significance, individuals can use its energy to lean into profound growth and transformation.

Themes of a solar eclipse include:

〰️ new beginnings and endings
〰️ intensity and transformation
〰️ triggering change
〰️ connection to destiny and life path
〰️ energetic reset
〰️ global and collective impact

Eclipse Do's and Don'ts

These should feel familiar if you read the newsletter about the Lunar Eclipse in Libra. These are a good reminder of how to work with the energy of this type of lunation.

Eclipse Do's:

These are moments in the year when it's best to Be More and Do Less. The universe is going to nudge — or boot — you in the direction you need to go. It's best during this time to lean into self-care and receiving things as they come, knowing that they are to help you.

  1. Reflect and Meditate: Lunar eclipses are potent times for introspection and inner work. Take some time for quiet reflection, meditation, or journaling. Consider what you need to release from your life and what intentions you want to set for the future.
  2. Release and Let Go: Eclipses are often associated with endings and closures. Use this time to release any emotional baggage, negative patterns, or situations that no longer serve your highest good. This could involve forgiveness, letting go of grudges, or decluttering your physical space.
  3. Practice Self-Care: Since eclipses can bring up intense emotions, it's essential to prioritize self-care during this time. Engage in activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, such as yoga, spending time in nature, or indulging in a relaxing bath.
  4. Stay Grounded: With the heightened energy of an eclipse, it's essential to stay grounded and centered. Practice grounding techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or spending time in nature to maintain your balance.

Eclipse Don'ts:

The energy can be a little jarring and chaotic since it is out of your control so this is not a good time for manifesting, clearing or charging crystals or pushing for anything in generl.

  1. Rush Decisions: Avoid making impulsive decisions or taking drastic actions during a lunar eclipse. Emotions can be heightened, and clarity may be lacking, so it's best to wait until the energy settles before making significant choices.
  2. Feed Negative Thoughts: Eclipses can stir up intense emotions and old wounds. Try not to dwell on negative thoughts or get caught up in drama. Instead, focus on healing and letting go of what no longer serves you.
  3. Force Closure: While eclipses can bring about endings, it's essential not to force closure prematurely. Allow things to naturally unfold and trust the process. Sometimes, the universe has a way of orchestrating endings in its own time.
  4. Engage in Conflict: Since emotions can be heightened during eclipses, it's best to avoid confrontations or conflicts whenever possible. Practice patience, empathy, and compassion in your interactions with others.
For more in-depth information about eclipses in general, check out Astro 101: Eclipses

What are the eclipses in 2024 about?

For 2024, we continue the Aries/Libra series from 2023 and also get a preview of the next series in Pisces/Virgo.

When the North Node is in Aries and the South Node is in Libra, we enter a dynamic and transformative period marked by the celestial dance between these cardinal signs. This eclipse series calls for a courageous leap into individuality and self-discovery (Aries), while also urging a release of outdated relationship dynamics and the quest for harmony (Libra).

Aries, ruled by Mars, encourages assertiveness, independence, and the pursuit of personal passions, while Libra, ruled by Venus, emphasizes diplomacy, partnership, and the quest for balance. During this period, eclipses serve as potent catalysts for breaking free from old patterns, embracing authenticity, and finding a healthy equilibrium between self-interest and cooperation.

This can look like digging into and addressing any:

〰️ People pleasing tendencies
〰️ Codependency
〰️ Self-abandonment
〰️ Issues with self-worth or deservingness
〰️ Lack mentality
〰️ Imposter syndrome

No big deal, right?? 😅 The good news is that you are supported at this time to do the work and this series won’t come back around until 2042. It's a time for forging new paths, asserting boundaries, and cultivating relationships that support personal growth and authenticity.

Dates for this Aries/Libra eclipse series:


Eclipse series overlap so last year was a transition from closing out the Scorpio/Taurus series (all about self-worth, deservingness and money matters) and then understanding our baseline for where we were at for the Aries/Libra Series:

🤝 April 19th 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
💵 May 5th 💵 
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
🤝 October 14th 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
💵 October 28th 💵 
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus


This year is all about deep diving into the Aries/Libra themes and then we get dip a toe in the next series — Pisces/Virgo.

🤝 March 25th 🤝
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra
🤝 April 8th 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
🧘‍♀️ September 17th 🧘‍♀️
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
🤝 October 2nd 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra


This year closes out the Aries/Libra series and we go deeper into the Pisces/Virgo series. The Pisces/Virgo series invites us to embrace spirituality, intuition, and compassion while releasing perfectionism, over-analysis, and the need for control. It's a time for emotional healing, integration, and surrendering to the mysteries of life. Once we master the Aries/Libra balance of who we are in relation to others, we are ready to tackle the Pisces/Virgo themes.

🧘‍♀️ March 14th 🧘‍♀️
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
🤝 March 29th 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
🧘‍♀️ September 7th 🧘‍♀️
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
🧘‍♀️ September 21st 🧘‍♀️
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo

So wtf is happening on April 8th for the Solar Eclipse?

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries will occur at 2:08pm CT on Monday, April 8th. Times will vary for your location so it is best to google your specific location if you want to view it. For instance, in Nashville, the solar eclipse will begin around 12:45 p.m. CT, be at its peak around 2:08 p.m. and conclude at 3:20 p.m. In Knoxville and East Tennessee the eclipse should start about 1:49 p.m.

Remember, this is not your ordinary New Moon, it's got that eclipse oomph! Happening right on the Aries/Libra axis, this lunation packs a punch for the collective consciousness. Cast your mind back to April 20, 2023, when this eclipse series began. What were you starting then? What's evolved since? And hey, rewind even further to April 8, 2005, when we had a similar eclipse—could be a clue to what's brewing now.

Eclipses are notorious shake-up artists, often nudging things—sometimes people—out of our lives. In Aries, it's all about shedding those outdated versions of ourselves and embracing the fresh, authentic ones. Aries vibes prompt us to ponder our individuality, ambition, drive, and, yes, our rage too. Plus, with this Solar Eclipse cozying up to Chiron, it's prime time for reflecting on our healing journey since 2019's Aries transit.

Mars, the ruler of this lunation, is in cahoots with Saturn, about midway through its Pisces journey. Expect energy levels to fluctuate—Mars wants speed, but Saturn's like, "Whoa, slow down there." Best to resist the urge to rush headlong and instead let things unfold at their own pace, especially amidst eclipse season's frenzy. Intentions and desires need to sync up before making any big moves.

Meanwhile, Jupiter is gearing up for a rendezvous with Uranus, adding an extra dash of unpredictability to the cosmic cocktail. Uranus brings those electric jolts of insight and Jupiter's just amplifying the chaos. So, brace yourself for the unexpected! Doors are swinging open during these eclipse portals; once the cosmic dust settles, we'll see what lies beyond.

This lunation is asking you:

  1. What am I ready to let go of in my life? What no longer serves my growth and evolution?
  2. How have I evolved since the last major eclipse on this axis? What changes have occurred, and how have they shaped me?
  3. What patterns or behaviors am I ready to break free from? How can I assert my individuality more authentically?
  4. In what areas of my life do I feel a need for healing? How can I nurture and support my own healing journey?
  5. What passions or desires have been simmering beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to emerge? How can I tap into my inner fire and pursue them boldly?
  6. Where do I need to find a balance between assertiveness and cooperation in my relationships and interactions with others?
  7. What intentions do I want to set for the future, and how can I align my actions with these intentions?
  8. How can I honor and celebrate my own unique identity and journey, even in the face of uncertainty and change?

What does this mean for me?

While this eclipse is all about standing in your authentic power, what house this activates in your chart will determine what area of your life is getting this system upgrade. Read your sun and rising signs for more in-depth guidance on how this shows up for you.

Solar Eclipse in Aries by the Sign

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