Your Guide to the 🌝 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ♓

Your Guide to the 🌝 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ♓

Eclipse season is officially upon us!

First off, I want to say that while eclipses should be viewed and worked with differently than a regular moon event, you don't need to be afraid of them. There is a lot of fear-mongering in social media around eclipses — and astrology in general — but in reality, astrology is just a tool and the universe is always working in your best interest. Before we dive into this particular eclipse season let's get up to speed on what eclipses are!

What's the difference between a Lunar Eclipse and a regular Full Moon?

Full Moons are when the Earth is moving between the Sun and the Moon. The moon is fully illuminated by the Sun. Lunar Eclipses happen on a Full Moon where the Earth’s shadow blocks the Sun’s light from reaching the Moon.

What does this look like in the sky?

In the path of totality (the location on earth where the total eclipse is visible) the Moon appears to move through all the phases of a full cycle in a single night.

As the Earth blocks more and more light, the Moon takes on a more reddish hue, moving from copper to a “Blood Moon”.

A total lunar eclipse lasts a few hours, with totality itself usually averaging anywhere from about 30 minutes to over an hour. This is due to the large relative size of Earth over the Moon (the Moon's diameter is only about 2150 miles), therefore casting a large shadow on the Moon.

What does this mean in astrology?

A regular full moon occurs at the apex of a cycle where you see the culmination of your efforts since the new moon. This can be a moment of celebration and achievement, learning a lesson, releasing something that no longer works for you, an emotional breakthrough or a culmination of efforts.

A lunar eclipse is like a full moon mic-dropping in whatever part of your chart the sign it’s in is activating. Eclipses coming in series, occurring in opposing signs as the North and South Nodes transit through the same signs for ~2.5 years. This means that the lessons or leveling up that is occurring is not just about what has been happening since the last new moon. Instead, it is about a few rounds of integrating something bigger and really mastering a particular part of the chart. By understanding the potential significance of an eclipse, individuals can use its energy to release old patterns and integrate profound change.

Themes of a lunar eclipse include:

〰️ culmination and release
〰️ emotional intensity and awareness
〰️ revelations and illuminations
〰️ balancing opposing energies
〰️ relationship dynamics
〰️ integration and transformation
〰️ karmic and destiny themes

Eclipse Do's:

These are moments in the year when it's best to Be More and Do Less. The universe is going to nudge — or boot — you in the direction you need to go. It's best during this time to lean into self-care and receiving things as they come, knowing that they are to help you.

  1. Reflect and Meditate: Lunar eclipses are potent times for introspection and inner work. Take some time for quiet reflection, meditation, or journaling. Consider what you need to release from your life and what intentions you want to set for the future.
  2. Release and Let Go: Eclipses are often associated with endings and closures. Use this time to release any emotional baggage, negative patterns, or situations that no longer serve your highest good. This could involve forgiveness, letting go of grudges, or decluttering your physical space.
  3. Practice Self-Care: Since eclipses can bring up intense emotions, it's essential to prioritize self-care during this time. Engage in activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, such as yoga, spending time in nature, or indulging in a relaxing bath.
  4. Stay Grounded: With the heightened energy of an eclipse, it's essential to stay grounded and centered. Practice grounding techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or spending time in nature to maintain your balance.

Eclipse Don'ts:

The energy can be a little jarring and chaotic since it is out of your control so this is not a good time for manifesting, clearing or charging crystals or pushing for anything in general.

  1. Rush Decisions: Avoid making impulsive decisions or taking drastic actions during a lunar eclipse. Emotions can be heightened, and clarity may be lacking, so it's best to wait until the energy settles before making significant choices.
  2. Feed Negative Thoughts: Eclipses can stir up intense emotions and old wounds. Try not to dwell on negative thoughts or get caught up in drama. Instead, focus on healing and letting go of what no longer serves you.
  3. Force Closure: While eclipses can bring about endings, it's essential not to force closure prematurely. Allow things to naturally unfold and trust the process. Sometimes, the universe has a way of orchestrating endings in its own time.
  4. Engage in Conflict: Since emotions can be heightened during eclipses, it's best to avoid confrontations or conflicts whenever possible. Practice patience, empathy, and compassion in your interactions with others.
For more in-depth information about eclipses in general, check out Astro 101: Eclipses

Major Dates for Eclipse Series:


Eclipse series overlap so last year was a transition from closing out the Scorpio/Taurus series (all about self-worth, deservingness and money matters) and then understanding our baseline for where we were at for the Aries/Libra Series:

🤝 April 19th 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
💵 May 5th 💵 
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
🤝 October 14th 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
💵 October 28th 💵 
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus


This year is all about deep diving into the Aries/Libra themes (letting go of people-pleasing and codependency and setting boundaries) and then we get dip a toe in the next series — Pisces/Virgo.

🤝 March 25th 🤝
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra
🤝 April 8th 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
🧘‍♀️ September 17th 🧘‍♀️
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (WE ARE HERE 📍)
🤝 October 2nd 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra


This year closes out the Aries/Libra series and we go deeper into the Pisces/Virgo series. Once we master the Aries/Libra balance of who we are in relation to others, we are ready to tackle the Pisces/Virgo themes.

🧘‍♀️ March 14th 🧘‍♀️
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
🤝 March 29th 🤝
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
🧘‍♀️ September 7th 🧘‍♀️
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
🧘‍♀️ September 21st 🧘‍♀️
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo

The Virgo/Pisces Eclipse Series 🔮🌿

So, we’re kicking off a new eclipse series in the Virgo/Pisces axis. Eclipses in these signs are all about balancing the practical with the mystical, the details with the dreams. Virgo’s all about organization, service, and the nitty-gritty of daily life, while Pisces brings in the intuition, creativity, and spiritual vibes.

This series will challenge us to integrate these energies, helping us find a rhythm between our everyday routines and our deeper, more soulful aspirations. These lunations invite us to embrace spirituality, intuition, and compassion while releasing perfectionism, over-analysis, and the need for control. It's a time for emotional healing, integration, and surrendering to the mysteries of life.

So wtf is happening on September 17th for the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces? 🌑💫

The lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17th is the opening event in the new series of eclipses, which will continue sparking transformations and upheavals from now until early 2027.

Chart for the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at 9:45pm CT

This Pisces lunar eclipse is happening at 25 degrees, right next to dreamy Neptune. This means the emotional and intuitive vibes are going to be extra potent. Think of it as a supercharged full moon that’s asking us to dive deep into our subconscious. It’s a chance to release old patterns, tap into our intuition, and embrace a more holistic view of our lives.

The moon’s sextile to Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus adds a layer of transformation and innovation. It’s a supportive energy that encourages us to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace new ways of thinking. Meanwhile, the quincunx to Venus in Libra suggests there might be some adjustments needed in our relationships or values. This aspect asks us to reconsider how our personal and professional relationships align with our deeper needs and desires.

Sun and Moon Aspects: What’s Happening? ☀️🌙

Moon Conjunct Neptune:

The moon’s conjunction with Neptune heightens our emotional sensitivity and intuition. Neptune’s influence can blur the lines between reality and fantasy, making it easier to connect with our inner selves and explore our dreams. This aspect is fantastic for creative endeavors, spiritual practices, or any work that requires deep emotional insight.

However, it can also bring about confusion or escapism, so it's important to stay grounded and discern between genuine inspiration and unrealistic fantasies. In business, this might mean tapping into your creative side or re-evaluating your vision with a more intuitive approach.

Moon Quincunx Venus:

This aspect can bring some friction or the need for adjustment in our relationships, values, and finances. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is at odds with the emotional depth of the Pisces moon, which can highlight imbalances or misalignments.

You might find yourself rethinking how your relationships support your career goals or how your financial values align with your personal aspirations. This is a time for reassessing what you truly value in your interactions and making necessary changes to align your personal and professional lives.

Sun Trine Pluto and Uranus:

Pluto, the planet of deep change and regeneration, aligns harmoniously with the sun’s energy, giving us the strength to tackle intense personal and professional challenges. This is an excellent time to make significant progress on long-term goals or to initiate deep, transformative changes in your career. You might find that you have a renewed sense of purpose and direction, with the ability to overcome obstacles that previously seemed insurmountable. It's like having a superpower to redefine your path and reshape your ambitions.

Uranus, the planet of sudden insights and revolutionary change, aligns smoothly with the sun, encouraging us to embrace new ideas and unconventional approaches. It’s a great time for brainstorming creative solutions or pursuing new projects that break away from the norm. In business, this could translate to a breakthrough in how you approach your work or a sudden inspiration for a new venture. The key here is to stay open to unexpected opportunities and be willing to take risks that could lead to significant rewards.

Moon Sextile Pluto and Uranus:

The moon sextile Pluto is a supportive aspect that helps us process deep emotional transformations with relative ease. It offers a gentle yet powerful opportunity for emotional healing and growth. In the context of career, it can help you navigate through challenging emotional dynamics or make profound changes in how you manage your professional life. It’s a good time for addressing any underlying fears or emotional blocks that might be holding you back.

The moon sextile Uranus fosters emotional flexibility and openness to new experiences. It can bring exciting insights or unexpected shifts in how you feel about your career and personal life. The sextile to Uranus can help you embrace new ways of thinking and adapt to changes with a positive outlook. It’s a great time for exploring innovative ideas or breaking free from outdated emotional patterns.

Impact on Business and Career 💼🚀

This eclipse is likely to stir up some deep-seated feelings about our career path and ambitions. It’s an excellent time to reflect on how your work aligns with your deeper values and aspirations. The transformative energy of this eclipse can help you make bold changes or reframe your approach to achieve a better balance between your personal dreams and professional goals.

Consider this a cosmic nudge to think outside the box and be open to innovative approaches. You might find yourself reevaluating your current projects or seeking out new opportunities that feel more aligned with your true self. The Neptune influence might also bring a boost of creativity—perfect for brainstorming new ideas or launching a fresh initiative.

So, embrace the energy of this Pisces lunar eclipse. Allow yourself to dream big, but also stay grounded in the practical steps needed to manifest those dreams. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between your big visions and the steps you need to take to make them a reality. ✨🌙

What does this mean for me?

This Pisces lunar eclipse invites deep introspection and emotional release, encouraging you to let go of old patterns and embrace new ways of connecting with your intuition and dreams. It’s a potent time for uncovering hidden emotions and finding clarity on what truly matters.

As you navigate this eclipse, you might feel a strong pull to reassess your personal goals and relationships, seeking a balance between your inner desires and outer realities. This is a moment for transformative growth, helping you align more closely with your authentic self and set a course that feels both spiritually and practically fulfilling.

How this specifically shows up for you is based on what house Pisces is activating in your chart.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces by the Sign

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