Your Guide to the 🌚 Leo New Moon β™Œ

Your Guide to the 🌚 Leo New Moon β™Œ

It's time to get excited because the New Moon in Leo is here, and it's bringing a burst of fiery, creative energy that's perfect for stepping into the spotlight. Let's dive into what this fabulous lunar event means for us and how we can make the most of it!

The Leo New Moon is on August 4th at 6:13am CT bringing up themes of self-expression, creativity, and the courage to boldly pursue our passions and dreams.

This is the chart for the lunation:

Leo Vibes: Shine Bright Like a Diamond πŸ’Ž

Leo, ruled by the Sun, is all about self-expression, creativity, and confidence. This sign loves to be seen and appreciated, and it encourages us to embrace our unique talents and passions. Think of Leo as the performer of the zodiac, always ready to dazzle and inspire others. This doesn't necessarily mean that everyone has to get on an actual stage. It's more about channeling that Leo energy β€” to be bold, brave and unapologetically ourselves.

New Moon in Leo: A Fresh Start πŸŒ‘πŸ”₯

New Moons are all about new beginnings and setting intentions. With the New Moon in Leo, we're being asked to plant seeds related to our creative projects, personal goals, and ways we can shine our light in the world. It's a powerful time to think about how we want to express ourselves and what we need to feel truly alive and joyful.

Aspects to Consider: Stellar Alignments 🌠

This New Moon isn't just hanging out by itselfβ€”it's making some exciting connections in the sky:

Sextile to Jupiter Conjunct Mars in Gemini:

This aspect is like a cosmic cheerleader, boosting our enthusiasm and motivation. Jupiter expands our horizons while Mars gives us the drive to take action. In Gemini, this combo is all about communication and learning, so don't be surprised if you feel a sudden urge to start a new project or share your ideas with the world.

Trine to the North Node in Aries:

The North Node represents our destiny and the path we're meant to follow. A trine to this point in Aries suggests that the steps we take now can lead us closer to our true purpose. Aries energy encourages us to be courageous and take the initiative, so this is a great time to set bold, ambitious goals.

So what's the game plan for this moon?

Be Your Own Superstar 🌟

  1. Express Yourself: Whether it's through art, writing, dancing, or any other form of creativity, let your inner light shine. Don't hold backβ€”Leo loves to be dramatic and bold!
  2. Set Clear Intentions: Think about what you want to create and how you can bring more joy and passion into your life. Write down your goals and visualize them coming to fruition.
  3. Take Inspired Action: With the support of Jupiter and Mars, now is the time to act on your ideas. Start that project, reach out to that person, or make that move you've been contemplating.

Journal Prompts for the New Moon in Leo πŸ““βœ¨

Take some time to reflect on the following questions. If you feel called, pull a tarot card to help kickstart contemplation.

What are my unique talents and how can I share them with the world?
How can I bring more joy and creativity into my daily life?
What bold steps can I take to move closer to my dreams?
How can I embrace my inner confidence and express myself more fully?

New Moon Ritual: Ignite Your Inner Flame πŸ”₯

To make the most of this New Moon, try this simple ritual:

  1. Create a Sacred Space: Set up a cozy, inviting space where you can relax and focus. Light some candles, play your favorite music, and bring out any items that inspire you.
  2. Meditate on Your Intentions: Spend a few moments in quiet meditation, visualizing your goals and feeling the excitement of bringing them to life.
  3. Write It Down: On a piece of paper, write down your intentions for this New Moon. Be as detailed and specific as possible.
  4. Release and Trust: Once you've written your intentions, hold the paper close to your heart and then place it in a safe spot. Trust that the universe is working with you to make your dreams a reality.
  5. Celebrate Your Creativity: Do something fun and creative to honor the Leo energy. Dance, paint, write, or simply spend time doing something you love.

This New Moon in Leo is a powerful opportunity to reconnect with your passions and step into your power. Embrace your inner superstar and let your light shine bright!

Ok that all makes sense! How does this moon impact my work?

Ignite Your Professional Passion πŸš€

This New Moon in Leo is a golden opportunity to shine in your professional life. Leo energy is all about confidence, creativity, and leadershipβ€”key ingredients for career success. Here’s how you can harness this lunar power for your business and career:

Boost Your Confidence 🌟

Leo's fiery energy is perfect for boosting your self-esteem. Use this time to recognize your strengths and embrace your leadership qualities. Whether it's speaking up in meetings, pitching a new idea, or taking on a challenging project, let your inner Leo roar.

Set Ambitious Career Goals πŸš€

New Moons are ideal for setting intentions, and with Leo's influence, aim high. Think about where you want to be in your career and set bold, ambitious goals. This is the time to envision your dream job, a significant promotion, or a successful business venture. Write down your career aspirations and the steps you need to take to achieve them.

Network and Shine 🌐

With the New Moon sextile Jupiter conjunct Mars in Gemini, communication and networking are highlighted. Take advantage of this aspect by expanding your professional network. Attend industry events, join online communities, or simply reach out to potential mentors and collaborators. Your enthusiasm and charisma will be magnetic, drawing new opportunities your way.

Embrace Creativity and Innovation 🎨

Leo loves creativity, and this New Moon encourages you to think outside the box. How can you bring more innovation into your work? Whether it's developing a new product, implementing a fresh strategy, or finding creative solutions to problems, let your imagination run wild. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new.

Align with Your Purpose 🧭

The trine to the North Node in Aries suggests that taking bold steps now can lead you closer to your true career path. Reflect on your career's bigger picture and how it aligns with your life purpose. Are you doing work that truly excites and fulfills you? If not, consider what changes you can make to align your career with your passion and values.

Action Steps for Career Success πŸ“ˆ

  1. Elevate Your Presence: Update your resume, LinkedIn profile, and professional portfolio to reflect your best self. Showcase your achievements and let your personality shine through.
  2. Pitch Bold Ideas: If you have innovative ideas, now is the time to present them. Your confidence and enthusiasm will be contagious, making it easier to gain support from colleagues and superiors.
  3. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This will keep you motivated and remind you of your progress.
  4. Invest in Learning: Consider taking a course or attending a workshop to enhance your skills. Continuous learning will keep you ahead of the curve and ready for new opportunities.
And I happen to be hosting a conference specifically around up-leveling your business as a Soulpreneur. Use the code "NEWMOON" to get 30% off tickets to Soulward Summit.

By embracing the vibrant energy of the New Moon in Leo, you can ignite your professional passion and set the stage for career success. Shine bright, and let your career aspirations take center stage!

OK, but what does this moon mean for ME?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Leo placements are most affected by this astrology, all the fixed signs will be feeling this New Moon a bit more than most:

〰️ Leo
〰️ Scorpio
〰️ Aquarius
〰️ Taurus

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

New Moon in Leo By Sign

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