Your Guide to the 🌝 Aquarius Full Moon ♒

Your Guide to the 🌝 Aquarius Full Moon ♒

Hey there! Let’s dive into the full moon in Aquarius that's lighting up the sky. With the Sun and Mercury both shining brightly in Leo, and the Moon standing strong in Aquarius, this is a moment for illumination, bold revelations and breakthroughs. Ready to explore how this lunation affects us all, both personally and professionally? Let’s get into it!

Chart for Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th at 1:25pm CST

Aquarius Themes: The Rebel with a Cause

Aquarius is all about innovation, rebellion, and breaking away from the norm. It’s the sign of the visionary, the one who dreams of a better future and isn’t afraid to shake things up to get there.

With its focus on community, technology, and progress, Aquarius pushes us to think outside the box and embrace unconventional paths.

Aquarius challenges us to embrace our individuality while also considering how we fit into the larger collective. It asks us to question societal norms and push for progress in both our personal lives and broader communities.

This sign encourages us to be forward-thinking and to seek solutions that benefit not just ourselves but also the collective.

The energy of Aquarius brings a sense of excitement and potential for change. It’s a time when we might feel inspired to take action on social causes, dive into new technologies, or rethink our approach to community and collaboration. There’s a buzz of innovation and a drive to make impactful changes.

Full Moon Feels: The Big Reveal

This full moon is a powerful moment for clarity and revelation. It’s a time to see things from a fresh perspective, especially when it comes to how we connect with our communities and our unique place within them. The full moon’s energy encourages us to embrace change and let go of outdated beliefs that no longer serve us.

What This Full Moon Means:

  • Clarity and Illumination: Full moons are known for bringing things to light, and this one is no exception. Expect insights into areas where you’ve felt stuck or uncertain. Aquarius energy amplifies this by pushing us to see beyond conventional limits and consider new possibilities.
  • Release and Realignment: As the moon reaches its peak illumination, it’s a prime opportunity to release what’s no longer serving you. This could be old habits, outdated beliefs, or even stagnant projects that don’t align with your true aspirations. Use this time to realign with your core values and future goals.
  • Innovative Shifts: The Aquarius full moon might bring sudden realizations or unexpected developments. These shifts are likely to be linked to innovation, technology, or social connections. Embrace these changes as they may lead to breakthroughs or new directions that align more closely with your vision.

Impact on Business and Career: Innovation Meets Challenge

In the professional realm, this full moon is a call to innovate and reassess your approach. If you’ve been feeling stuck or constrained, this is the perfect time to think outside the box and embrace new strategies. The tension from Uranus suggests that changes or unexpected developments could shake things up, but these disruptions might lead to breakthroughs if handled with flexibility.

Specific Areas to Focus On:

  1. Creative Solutions: Use this full moon to brainstorm and implement creative solutions to any challenges you’re facing in your business or career. Aquarius encourages you to think differently and explore unconventional ideas.
  2. Network and Collaborate: This is a great time to connect with others who share your vision or who can help you push forward. Collaborations or new networks might offer fresh perspectives and opportunities.
  3. Adaptability: Be prepared for unexpected shifts and stay flexible. The square to Uranus indicates that disruptions may occur, but they could also lead to positive changes if you’re open to adjusting your plans.

Sun and Moon Aspects: The Drama

Let’s break down how the Sun and Moon are interacting with other celestial bodies during this full moon, and what this means for you personally and professionally:

Sun and Moon Square Uranus (27° Taurus):

A square aspect represents a challenging dynamic that creates tension and conflict, but also drives motivation and growth. It’s an opportunity to face and overcome obstacles, leading to personal development and resolution of underlying issues.

This aspect brings a sense of unpredictability and tension. Uranus is the planetary ruler of Aquarius, so this aspect is extra potent for this full moon.

Personally, you might experience sudden insights or disruptions in your life that challenge your usual way of thinking or experiencing the world. Professionally, expect unexpected changes or opportunities that may push you to rethink your strategies or projects. While this square can be disruptive, it also opens the door to innovative solutions and breakthroughs if you stay flexible.

Sun Quincunx Pluto (0° Aquarius):

A quincunx aspect presents a chance to work through challenges by finding balance and adapting to differing energies. It is not thrust upon you as strongly as a Square is. While it can be uncomfortable, it also pushes for growth and integration, leading to valuable insights and progress.

This awkward alignment between the Sun (our outward identity) and Pluto (transformation and power/control) prompts a need to address hidden fears or power struggles, particularly in how you express authority or creativity. On a personal level, it might highlight areas where you need to confront internal power dynamics or deep-seated issues. Professionally, it could signal a need to reassess how you handle authority or navigate transformations in your career path.

Moon Quincunx Neptune (29° Pisces):

Neptune has been at home in Pisces for a hot minute. While intuition has been at an all-time-high, so has idealism. This aspect can create a sense of confusion or disillusionment, especially regarding dreams or ideals.

Personally, you might find it challenging to stay grounded amidst shifting emotions or unrealistic expectations. Professionally, this may indicate a need to clarify your vision and ensure that your goals are practical and achievable, rather than getting lost in idealistic fantasies.

Advice for This Full Moon

  1. Embrace Change: Be open to sudden shifts and unexpected opportunities. This is a time to pivot and adapt, especially in your career or business strategies.
  2. Focus on Authenticity: Reflect on how true your current path feels to your core values. Authenticity will be your guide through any uncertainty.
  3. Balance Vision with Practicality: While it’s great to dream big, ensure you’re also laying down practical steps to turn those dreams into reality.

Journal Prompts for the Full Moon

What outdated beliefs or patterns are holding me back in my personal or professional life? How can I release them?
In what ways can I innovate or think outside the box in my current career or business?
What new perspectives have emerged for me lately, and how can I integrate them into my work and daily life?
How can I balance my visionary ideas with practical actions? What specific steps can I take to achieve this?

What does this moon mean for me?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Aquarius placements are most affected by this astrology, all the fixed signs will be feeling this Full Moon a bit more than most:

〰️ Aquarius
〰️ Taurus
〰️ Leo
〰️ Scorpio

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

Full Moon in Aquarius By Sign

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