Your Guide to 🌝 Sagittarius Full Moon ♐

Your Guide to 🌝 Sagittarius Full Moon ♐

Guess what's up in the sky? It's the full moon in Sagittarius, and trust me, it's a vibe we all need to tune into. So, grab your favorite crystals, light some incense, and let's dive into what this lunar energy has in store for us.

The Sagittarius Full Moon is on May 23rd at 8:52am CT. This is the chart for the lunation:

Chart for the Full Moon in Sagittarius

First off, let's talk Sagittarius. Picture this: freedom-loving, adventure-seeking, truth-telling vibes all wrapped up in one fiery package. Sagittarius is all about expansion, exploration, and embracing the unknown. It's like that friend who's always down for a spontaneous road trip or philosophical chat over a cup of coffee.

Now, onto the main event: the full moon in Sagittarius. When Luna shines her brightest in this sign, she's asking us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace our inner wild child. It's a time to break free from limitations, chase our dreams, and soak up all the wisdom the universe has to offer.

But wait, there's more! The sun, our source of vitality and creativity, is hanging out in Gemini, teaming up with Venus and Jupiter in Taurus. This cosmic trio is all about abundance, pleasure, and indulgence. Think lavish picnics in the park, heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones, and basking in the beauty of the natural world.

Plus, the sun is making some sweet aspects: a sextile to dreamy Neptune in Pisces and a trine to transformational Pluto in Aquarius. Translation? This is a potent time for manifesting our deepest desires, tapping into our intuition, and embracing radical change.

So, what's the advice for this full moon? Embrace your inner explorer, my friends. Take risks, seek out new experiences, and trust that the universe has your back every step of the way. Don't be afraid to dream big and aim highβ€”Sagittarius energy thrives on boldness and optimism.

And now, for some journal prompts to really dive deep into this magic:

What beliefs or philosophies do I need to release in order to expand my horizons?
How can I infuse more adventure and spontaneity into my life?
What dreams or goals am I ready to manifest during this cosmic alignment?
How can I cultivate more abundance and pleasure in my daily routine?
What fears or limitations am I ready to leave behind as I embrace my inner truth?

So, my friend, let's raise our glasses to the full moon in Sagittarius and all the wild adventures that lie ahead. Remember, the universe is always conspiring in our favorβ€”so let's make the most of this cosmic dance and shine as bright as the stars above. βœ¨πŸŒ•

Full Moon Ritual: Releasing & Gratitude Ceremony

〰️ Find a quiet space where you can be alone with your thoughts. Light a candle or some incense to create a sacred atmosphere.

〰️ Start by grounding yourself with a short meditation. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet deep into the earth. Feel yourself rooted and supported by the earth's energy.

〰️ Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Take some time to reflect on any beliefs, habits, or fears that are holding you back from fully embracing your adventurous spirit. Write them down on the paper, acknowledging their presence in your life.

〰️ Safely burn the piece of paper with your written intentions, watching as the flames consume them and release their energy into the universe. As you watch the paper burn, visualize yourself letting go of these limitations and embracing a sense of freedom and expansion.

〰️ After releasing what no longer serves you, take some time to visualize your dreams and desires for the future. Imagine yourself living life to the fullest, exploring new horizons, and manifesting abundance in all areas of your life. Feel the excitement and optimism building within you as you connect with the energy of the full moon.

〰️ Before closing your ritual, take a moment to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. You can speak aloud or silently list the things you're thankful for, acknowledging the abundance that surrounds you.

What does this moon mean for me?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Sagittarius placements are most affected by this astrology, all the Mutable signs will be feeling this Full Moon a bit more than most:

〰️ Gemini
〰️ Virgo
〰️ Sagittarius
〰️ Pisces

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

Full Moon in Sagittarius By Sign

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