Your Guide to 🌝 Scorpio Full Moon ♏

Your Guide to 🌝 Scorpio Full Moon ♏

Let's chat about this upcoming full moon in Scorpio, shall we? Oh, and hold onto your hats because we've got a juicy square between the sun and Pluto in Aquarius adding some extra spice to the mix. The Scorpio Full Moon is on April 23rd at 6:48pm CT. This is the chart for the lunation:

Chart for the Scorpio Full Moon on April 23rd at 6:48pm CT

Scorpio moons are all about diving deep into the emotional waters, uncovering hidden truths, and embracing transformation. It's an invitation to purge what no longer serves us and embrace our personal power.

As a fellow Scorpio moon babe myself, I’m feeling the vibes of this lunar event on a whole other level. But fear not, whether you have a Scorpio moon or not, this full moon is here to shake things up for all of us.

Let’s start by talking about Scorpio themes. Scorpio is all about transformation, intensity, and diving into the depths of our emotions. It’s about shedding our old skin and emerging stronger and more powerful than ever before. This sign isn’t afraid to confront the darkness within and find the hidden treasures buried deep within our souls.

Now, let’s add the full moon into the mix. Full moons are a time of culmination and release. They shine a spotlight on what’s been brewing beneath the surface, bringing things to a head so we can no longer ignore them. With the full moon in Scorpio, expect emotions to run high and secrets to come to light. It’s a time for deep emotional healing and powerful revelations.

But wait, there’s more! This full moon comes with a little extra punch thanks to a square between the sun in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius. Squares can bring tension and challenges, and when Pluto is involved, you know things are about to get real. Pluto is all about power struggles and transformation, so this square could bring up some intense power dynamics or force us to confront the things we’ve been avoiding.

So, what’s the advice for navigating this full moon? Embrace the intensity, my friend. Lean into the discomfort and allow yourself to feel all the feels. Trust that whatever comes up during this time is happening for a reason, and it’s all part of your journey toward growth and self-discovery.

And if you’re looking to dive even deeper, here are some journal prompts to explore during this full moon:

What emotions have I been suppressing, and how can I release them in a healthy way?
What secrets or hidden truths have been revealed to me recently, and how can I integrate them into my life?
Where am I experiencing power struggles or resistance, and how can I reclaim my power in these situations?
What areas of my life are in need of transformation, and what steps can I take to initiate change?

Remember you are powerful beyond measure, and you have the strength to navigate whatever this full moon brings your way. This full moon is here to help you go deeper. Embrace the magic of Scorpio and trust in the process. You’ve got this. 🦂💫

Full Moon Ritual: Releasing Ceremony

〰️ Find a quiet space where you can be alone with your thoughts.
〰️ Light a candle or some incense to create a sacred atmosphere.
〰️ Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, then write down anything you’re ready to release—old wounds, fears, self-doubt, anything holding you back. You can use the suggestions in the horoscopes below or come up with your own
〰️ Once you’ve written it all down, read each item out loud, acknowledging its hold on you, and then burn the paper, symbolizing the release of these burdens.
〰️ As the smoke rises, visualize yourself letting go of the past and stepping into a brighter, more empowered future.

What does this moon mean for me?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Scorpio placements are most affected by this astrology, all the fixed signs will be feeling this Full Moon a bit more than most:

〰️ Taurus
〰️ Leo
〰️ Scorpio
〰️ Aquarius

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

Full Moon in Scorpio By Sign

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