Your Guide to 🌝 Capricorn Full Moon (2 of 2) ♑

Your Guide to 🌝 Capricorn Full Moon (2 of 2) ♑

Here we go again! The second Full Moon in Capricorn, illuminated by the Sun in Cancer, brings a dynamic shift compared to the first. This time, the Sun forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Gemini, infusing the energy with innovation, spontaneity, and a zest for new ideas. This creates a stark contrast to the earlier Full Moon's steadier, more introspective vibes.

Additionally, the Sun's trine with retrograde Neptune in Pisces encourages us to dive deep into our dreams and intuition, offering a mystical, reflective quality. Meanwhile, the Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Aquarius brings intense transformation and powerful emotional breakthroughs, pushing us to confront and release deeply ingrained patterns.

This combination of aspects makes the second Full Moon a potent time for embracing change, exploring creative solutions, and undergoing profound personal and professional transformations.

Once in a blue moon...

This second Full Moon in Capricorn is a Blue Moon, meaning it's the second full moon in the same month—a rare event. The saying "once in a blue moon" originates from the early 19th century, describing something that happens infrequently. Though the moon's color doesn't change, this Blue Moon symbolizes a unique opportunity to harness powerful and transformative energies.

This Capricorn Full Moon is on July 21st at 5:16am CT. This is the chart for the lunation:

Chart for the Full Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn Vibes: What's the Deal?

This is still a Full Moon in Capricorn, so the overall themes/vibes are the same as last time. Think of this as a continuation or a second-look at what came up for you last month.

Capricorn is the zodiac’s ultimate go-getter. Ruled by Saturn, it’s all about structure, responsibility, and long-term goals. Think of Capricorn as the wise elder, encouraging us to buckle down, work hard, and make tangible progress. It's about climbing that mountain, no matter how tough the journey.

Capricorn energy asks us to look at our foundations. Are they solid? Do they support our ambitions? It’s about building something that lasts, whether that’s in your career, relationships, or personal growth.

Full Moon Feels: Illuminating the Path

Full Moons are times of culmination and illumination. They shine a light on what’s been growing and what needs to be released. With the Full Moon in Capricorn, it’s time to reflect on your career, long-term goals, and the structures in your life.

Personally, you may feel a push to take responsibility, set clear boundaries, and make practical decisions. It's also a moment to evaluate your work-life balance, ensuring that your personal life is as sturdy as your professional one. This lunar phase encourages you to release outdated goals and strategies that no longer serve you, making space for new, more aligned aspirations.

Harnessing the energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn for your business is about embracing structure, discipline, and long-term vision. This is the perfect time to reassess your business foundations, ensuring your plans, finances, and systems are robust and aligned with your ultimate goals. Set clear, actionable milestones and create a detailed timeline to track progress.

Focus on efficiency by improving processes and delegating effectively within your team. Invest in professional development, both for yourself and your team, and stay open to innovative technologies that can enhance your operations. With Capricorn’s grounding influence, you can establish a strong, resilient foundation for sustainable growth and success, turning your ambitious visions into tangible achievements.

Exploring the Aspects of the Blue Moon in Capricorn

The biggest thing that makes this Full Moon hit different are the aspects the sun and moon are making:

Sun in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Gemini:

This aspect brings an exciting mix of stability and innovation. Uranus in Taurus encourages us to break free from old patterns and embrace new ways of achieving security and comfort. Meanwhile, Mars in Gemini adds a burst of energy and curiosity, urging us to explore fresh ideas and communicate our ambitions effectively. Together, these influences push us to balance our nurturing instincts with bold, progressive action.

Personally: This aspect brings in new ideas and opportunities, urging you to break free from old routines and embrace exciting changes in your personal life. It’s a time to innovate how you find comfort and security, blending nurturing with bold action. Depending on where you have this in your chart, you this may feel a bit like sudden excavation or integrating new information you've learned about yourself.

Professionally: You might feel an invigorating push to think outside the box and take calculated risks in your career. This energy supports dynamic communication and collaboration, helping you implement new strategies and creative solutions at work.

Sun Trining Retrograde Neptune in Pisces:

The harmonious trine between the Sun and retrograde Neptune in Pisces adds a dreamy, introspective quality to this Full Moon. Neptune’s retrograde motion invites us to revisit our dreams and spiritual beliefs, offering a chance to align our deepest aspirations with our present reality. This aspect enhances our intuition and encourages us to trust our inner guidance as we navigate personal and professional changes.

Personally: This aspect brings a dreamy, reflective quality to your life, enhancing your intuition and inner wisdom. It’s a perfect time for deepening your spiritual practices, revisiting old dreams, and finding peace through introspection.

Professionally: You may find yourself inspired by your creative visions and more attuned to the emotional undercurrents in your work environment. Trust your gut feelings when making decisions, and allow your imagination to guide innovative projects.

Moon in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius:

The conjunction of the Moon and Pluto brings intense emotional and transformational energy. Pluto’s influence in Aquarius highlights themes of power, control, and deep-seated change within collective and personal spheres. This aspect urges us to confront and release deep-rooted fears and limitations, paving the way for profound growth and renewal. This could bring powerful inner healing where you begin shedding something that has been a source of negativity or holding you back. There also may be a situation leading up to the Full Moon that you encounter that is a bit triggering to you. This may make you look deeper into who or what caused the trigger so you can understand what made you react that way and make changes.

Personally: This intense conjunction encourages you to confront deep-seated emotions and transform any lingering fears or limitations. It’s a powerful time for personal growth and emotional healing, pushing you to embrace profound changes in how you perceive your inner strength.

Professionally: You might experience significant shifts in your professional life, prompting you to take control and restructure aspects of your career. This energy demands a deep commitment to your goals and the courage to pursue transformative changes in your work environment.

What does this moon mean for me?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Capricorn placements are most affected by this astrology, all the Cardinal signs will be feeling this Full Moon a bit more than most:

〰️ Capricorn
〰️ Aries
〰️ Cancer
〰️ Libra

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

Full Moon in Capricorn By Sign

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