Your Guide to 🌝 Capricorn Full Moon (1 of 2) ♑

Your Guide to 🌝 Capricorn Full Moon (1 of 2) ♑

Can you feel it? The Full Moon in Capricorn is illuminating the sky, casting its wise, grounding energy over us all. This Full Moon is especially potent because it’s the first of two consecutive Full Moons in Capricorn—a rare celestial event that’s giving us double the opportunity to harness Capricorn’s ambitious and disciplined energy.

The first Capricorn Full Moon is on June 21st at 10:07pm CT. This is the chart for the lunation:

Chart for the Full Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn Vibes: What's the Deal?

Capricorn is the zodiac’s ultimate go-getter. Ruled by Saturn, it’s all about structure, responsibility, and long-term goals. Think of Capricorn as the wise elder, encouraging us to buckle down, work hard, and make tangible progress. It's about climbing that mountain, no matter how tough the journey.

Capricorn energy asks us to look at our foundations. Are they solid? Do they support our ambitions? It’s about building something that lasts, whether that’s in your career, relationships, or personal growth. And with my own midheaven in Aries, I get the hustle—Capricorn’s vibe pairs so well with the drive and determination we need to push forward.

Full Moon Feels: Illuminating the Path

Full Moons are times of culmination and illumination. They shine a light on what’s been growing and what needs to be released. With the Full Moon in Capricorn, it’s time to reflect on your career, long-term goals, and the structures in your life.

Harnessing the energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn for your business is about embracing structure, discipline, and long-term vision. This is the perfect time to reassess your business foundations, ensuring your plans, finances, and systems are robust and aligned with your ultimate goals. Set clear, actionable milestones and create a detailed timeline to track progress.

Focus on efficiency by improving processes and delegating effectively within your team. Invest in professional development, both for yourself and your team, and stay open to innovative technologies that can enhance your operations. With Capricorn’s grounding influence, you can establish a strong, resilient foundation for sustainable growth and success, turning your ambitious visions into tangible achievements.

Cosmic Aspects: The Sun’s Dance

This Full Moon is particularly juicy because of the aspects the Sun is making:

  • Sun Conjunct Venus in Cancer: This aspect brings a beautiful blend of warmth, love, and nurturing energy. It’s a reminder to infuse your ambitions with care and compassion. Think about how you can nurture your dreams and support those around you.
  • Sun Quincunx Pluto in Aquarius: This is a challenging aspect, stirring up deep, transformative energies. It’s like a nudge from the universe to let go of old power dynamics and embrace new, innovative ways of being. Don’t be afraid to step into your power in a way that serves the greater good.
  • Sun Square Neptune in Pisces: This aspect can create a bit of fog and confusion. It’s important to stay grounded and avoid getting lost in illusions. Use Capricorn’s practicality to see through any haze and focus on what’s real and attainable.

Practical Magic: Advice for This Full Moon

  1. Reflect on Your Foundations: Take a good look at the structures in your life. What’s supporting you? What needs to be rebuilt? Use Capricorn’s energy to make necessary adjustments.
  2. Nurture Your Ambitions: With the Sun and Venus in Cancer, remember that your goals need nurturing. Be kind to yourself as you set up structure and plans (Capricorn) in order to pursue your dreams (Neptune). Surround yourself with supportive people.
  3. Embrace Transformation: Pluto’s influence is pushing for deep change. Don’t resist it. Let go of what no longer serves you and step into a more empowered version of yourself.
  4. Stay Grounded: Neptune’s square can create confusion, so keep your feet on the ground. Focus on practical steps and avoid getting swept away by unrealistic dreams.

Journal Prompts: Dive Deep

What long-term goals am I currently working towards? Are my foundations strong enough to support these ambitions?
How can I infuse more nurturing and compassion into my pursuit of success?
What old power dynamics or control issues do I need to release to step into my true power?
Where in my life am I feeling confused or unclear? How can I ground myself to see through the fog?
What are practical steps I can take to make my dreams a reality?

This Full Moon is a powerful time to get real with yourself, make necessary adjustments, and align your actions with your deepest desires. Embrace Capricorn’s wisdom and use it to build a life that truly supports and fulfills you ✨🌕!

Full Moon in Capricorn Ritual: Building Solid Foundations

What You’ll Need:

  • A candle (preferably white or green for grounding and growth)
  • A journal and pen
  • A small bowl of water
  • Sea salt or Epsom salt
  • A crystal (such as smoky quartz or black tourmaline for grounding)
  • A small potted plant or seeds and soil (optional, for symbolism of growth)

Step-by-Step Ritual:

  1. Create Your Sacred Space:
    • Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
    • Arrange your items in front of you.
    • Light the candle to signify the start of your ritual.
  2. Ground Yourself:
    • Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
    • Take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly.
    • Visualize roots growing from the base of your spine, reaching deep into the Earth, grounding and stabilizing you.
  3. Set Your Intentions:
    • Open your journal and reflect on the following questions:
      • What long-term goals am I currently working towards?
      • Are my foundations strong enough to support these ambitions?
      • How can I infuse more nurturing and compassion into my pursuit of success?
      • What old power dynamics or control issues do I need to release to step into my true power?
    • Write down your thoughts and any intentions you wish to set for the coming weeks.
  4. Water Ritual for Release and Renewal:
    • Hold the bowl of water and sprinkle in the sea salt, stirring it gently.
    • As you do this, visualize the water cleansing and purifying your energy, washing away any doubts, fears, or negative patterns.
    • Dip your fingers into the water and sprinkle it over the potted plant or soil, symbolizing nurturing your goals and intentions.
  5. Crystal Charging:
    • Hold the crystal in your hands and close your eyes.
    • Visualize your intentions and goals being infused into the crystal, charging it with your focused energy and Capricorn’s grounding influence.
    • Place the crystal on your altar or somewhere you will see it regularly as a reminder of your intentions.
  6. Meditation and Visualization:
    • Sit quietly with your eyes closed, holding the crystal or placing it nearby.
    • Visualize yourself achieving your long-term goals, feeling the stability and success that Capricorn’s energy brings.
    • Imagine the structures and foundations you’ve set supporting your journey, and feel the confidence and determination within you.
  7. Close the Ritual:
    • Thank the universe, your higher self, or any deities you work with for their guidance and support.
    • Blow out the candle, signaling the end of the ritual.

This ritual is designed to help you connect deeply with the grounding, ambitious energy of Capricorn, setting you on a path to achieve your long-term goals with clarity and purpose.

What does this moon mean for me?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Capricorn placements are most affected by this astrology, all the Cardinal signs will be feeling this Full Moon a bit more than most:

〰️ Capricorn
〰️ Aries
〰️ Cancer
〰️ Libra

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

Full Moon in Capricorn By Sign

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