Welcome to 🌞 Leo Season 🌞

Welcome to 🌞 Leo Season 🌞

Leo season is here, and it's time to shine! This season is all about embracing our inner royalty, expressing ourselves boldly, and having a little fun along the way. But there's more happening in the stars, and I've got the scoop on what to expect.

Transitioning from Cancer Season to Leo Season 🌊 ➑️ πŸ”₯

This year, as we transition from Cancer to Leo season, we're moving from a time of introspection and emotional depth into a period of bold self-expression and creativity. Cancer season wrapped us in a warm embrace, urging us to nurture ourselves and our close connections. We may have spent the last month focusing on home life, family matters, and personal growth. Now, Leo season steps in with its vibrant energy, inviting us to step out of our comfort zones and shine our light. It’s like moving from a cozy retreat to a grand stage, where we can share our passions and showcase our talents with the world.

This shift brings a change in focus from the private to the public. Where Cancer season might have encouraged us to retreat and reflect, Leo season pushes us to celebrate and share our unique gifts. You might find yourself feeling more confident and ready to take on new challenges or pursue creative projects. This year, the transition feels particularly potent, as we are not just moving from a water sign to a fire sign but also experiencing significant planetary movements. Embrace this time to balance your personal reflections with bold actions and let your true colors shine! 🌟🌟

Key Dates:

Jul 25-14th: Mercury in Virgo
Jul 26th: Chiron stations Retrograde in Aries
Aug 4: New Moon in Leo
Aug 4-29th: Venus in Virgo
Aug 4-14th: Mercury Rx in Virgo
Aug 7th: Mercury Rx Conjunct Venus in Virgo
Aug 14th: Mars Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
Aug 14-28th: Mercury Rx in Leo
Aug 18th: Mercury Cazimi
Aug 19th: Full Moon in Aquarius
Aug 22nd: Virgo Season Begins

If you want to add major dates for zodiac seasons, transits and lunar events to your calendar with descriptions – check out my 2024 Astro Calendar!

Let's dive into the more prominent aspects/transits of this season!

β™Œ The Sun is in Leo...

The sun moves into Leo on July 22nd at 2:45pm CT and stays there until August 22nd. Leo season ignites a fiery and vibrant energy, inspiring us to embrace our inner strength, express ourselves boldly, and shine brightly in the spotlight. Ruled by the confident lion, Leo encourages us to tap into our creativity, passion, and leadership potential.

You can expect:

Confidence and Self-Expression: Leo is known for its natural confidence and charisma. During Leo season, you may feel more self-assured and ready to express yourself authentically. It's a time to step into the spotlight, share your talents, and let your unique personality shine.

Creativity and Playfulness: With its creative flair, Leo season encourages us to indulge in playful activities and artistic pursuits. Whether it's performing on stage, painting a masterpiece, or simply embracing a childlike sense of wonder, this is a time to infuse joy and creativity into every aspect of life.

Celebration and Recognition: Leo loves to celebrate life's achievements and bask in the glory of success. During Leo season, you may receive recognition for your hard work and accomplishments, or you may find yourself celebrating milestones with friends and loved ones. It's a time to acknowledge your achievements and revel in your accomplishments.

Leadership and Influence: Like the king of the jungle, Leo exudes natural leadership qualities and a magnetic presence. This season invites you to step into your role as a leader, mentor, or influencer, inspiring others with your vision and enthusiasm. Trust in your ability to lead with courage and conviction.

Dramatic Flair: Leo enjoys the dramatic and theatrical aspects of life. You may find yourself drawn to dramatic expressions of creativity, whether it's through fashion, art, or performance. Embrace your flair for the dramatic and allow yourself to express your unique style and personality boldly.

Generosity and Warmth: Despite its regal demeanor, Leo is incredibly warm-hearted and generous. This season encourages acts of kindness, generosity, and loyalty towards others. Look for opportunities to uplift and support those around you, spreading warmth and positivity wherever you go.

This is great for:

〰️ Embracing your creativity and expressing yourself boldly through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative expression
〰️ Stepping into leadership roles and inspiring others with your vision and charisma
〰️ Celebrating your achievements and milestones with friends, family, or colleagues
〰️ Infusing passion and enthusiasm into your pursuits, whether it's work projects, hobbies, or personal goals
〰️ Embracing your inner child and indulging in playful activities that bring you joy and laughter
〰️ Showing appreciation for the people in your life who support and uplift you, expressing gratitude and love openly.

🌸 Venus moves into Virgo (July 22 - August 16)

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is shifting into Virgo. This transit encourages us to focus on the details in our relationships and self-care routines.

It's a great time to refine what matters to us, whether it's a skincare regimen or setting clearer boundaries in relationships. Virgo's influence will help us see what needs improvement, but remember not to be too critical of yourself or others. Perfection is a myth!

What to Expect:

  • Refining Relationships: You might find yourself analyzing your relationships more critically, looking at what works and what doesn’t. It’s a good time to address issues that you may have been avoiding.
  • Self-Care and Routine: It’s an excellent period for establishing or refining self-care routines. You might feel motivated to focus on health and wellness, perhaps starting a new exercise program or improving your diet.
  • Attention to Detail: Whether it’s in your work or personal life, Venus in Virgo highlights the importance of paying attention to the little things. Small changes can lead to significant improvements in your daily life.

How to Work with This Transit:

  • Use this time to get organized and plan for the future.
  • Focus on self-improvement and making practical, achievable goals for your personal and professional life.
  • Be mindful of being overly critical of yourself and others. Aim for constructive feedback rather than perfection.

πŸ”„ Mercury in Virgo, then Stations Retrograde and moves back into Leo

Mercury, our communication planet, also moves into Virgo, making us sharp and detail-oriented. It's a perfect time to tackle those tasks you've been putting off, like organizing your workspace or finalizing that big project.

However, Mercury will soon station retrograde, bringing a twist. Expect some delays, miscommunications, and the need to revisit old ideas. When Mercury retrogrades back into Leo, we'll have a chance to re-examine how we express ourselves. Use this time to reconnect with your authentic voice.

What to Expect:

  • Initial Clarity: As Mercury enters Virgo, expect a boost in your ability to analyze and solve problems. It’s a great time for detailed work, planning, and research.
  • Retrograde Period: When Mercury goes retrograde, there may be delays, misunderstandings, or the need to revisit and revise past projects. This phase can bring up old issues for review and resolution.
  • Back to Leo: As Mercury returns to Leo, you’ll have another opportunity to reflect on how you communicate your ideas and express yourself creatively. It’s a chance to reassess your personal brand and the way you showcase your talents.

How to Work with This Transit:

  • During Mercury in Virgo: Organize, plan, and focus on efficiency. It’s a good time for tasks that require precision.
  • During Mercury Retrograde: Double-check details, be patient with communication issues, and avoid making major decisions or launching new projects.
  • When Mercury Moves Back into Leo: Reevaluate your creative projects, reassess how you present yourself to others, and work on ways to enhance your self-expression.

πŸ”₯ Mars Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini

Mars, the planet of action, joins forces with expansive Jupiter in Gemini. This alignment is a powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm. You'll feel driven to take on new projects, explore different ideas, and maybe even travel or learn something new.

Just be cautious of spreading yourself too thin. With Gemini's influence, it's easy to get excited about many things at once. Focus your energy on what truly matters to you.

What to Expect:

  • Increased Energy: You’ll feel a strong drive to pursue your goals and take action. It’s a great time for starting new ventures or tackling challenging tasks.
  • Exploration and Learning: Gemini’s influence encourages curiosity and intellectual exploration. You might find yourself eager to learn new things, engage in stimulating conversations, or explore new ideas.
  • Risk-Taking: This conjunction brings a sense of optimism and willingness to take risks. While it’s a great time for bold moves, be careful not to overextend yourself.

How to Work with This Transit:

  • Embrace Opportunities: Act on your ideas and take advantage of new opportunities.
  • Channel Your Energy: Focus on projects or goals that excite you. Keep your enthusiasm in check to avoid spreading yourself too thin.
  • Stay Curious: Use this time to explore new interests or deepen your knowledge in areas that fascinate you.

The Overall Vibes of Leo Season 🌞

Leo season brings a burst of confidence and a desire to stand out. It's a fantastic time to pursue creative endeavors, take risks, and show off your unique talents. With Venus and Mercury both spending time in Virgo, we'll be balancing this bold energy with a touch of practicality. We might feel the push to not just be fabulous but also to ensure we're taking care of the finer details in our lives.

How to Work with the Energy 🌟

  1. Embrace Your Creativity: Whether it's through art, writing, or simply how you dress, let your creativity shine.
  2. Focus on Self-Improvement: With Venus and Mercury in Virgo, it's a great time to refine your routines and habits.
  3. Communicate Clearly: Mercury retrograde can muddle communication, so double-check your messages and be patient with misunderstandings.
  4. Take Bold Actions: Mars conjunct Jupiter will provide the energy boost you need to pursue your goals with vigor. Just make sure you're not overcommitting.

Leo season is all about balancing boldness with practicality. Enjoy the spotlight, but remember to take care of the details, and you'll navigate this season like a pro!

What Signs will be most affected during Leo Season?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Leo placements are most affected by this astrology, all the fixed signs will be feeling this season a bit more than most:

〰️ Leo
〰️ Scorpio
〰️ Aquarius
〰️ Taurus

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

Your Leo Season Horoscope

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