Welcome to πŸ‘― Gemini Season πŸ‘―

Gemini season is the "play hard" to Taurus' "work hard".

Welcome to πŸ‘― Gemini Season πŸ‘―

Get ready to bust out of that crysalis! Taurus season was a lot of "spend that money", heads-down, get πŸ‘ shit πŸ‘ done energy and now it's time to play!

Gemini season is the "play hard" to Taurus' "work hard". Everyone, especially those with major placements in Gemini, will embrace their inner social butterfly.

Key Dates:

May 23rd: Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus
May 23rd: Full Moon in Sagittarius
May 23rd: Venus in Gemini
May 25th: Jupiter in Gemini
June 3rd: Mercury in Gemini
June 4th: Venus Cazimi
June 6th: New Moon in Gemini
June 8th: Mars in Taurus
June 9th: Sun square Saturn
June 14th: Mercury Cazimi
June 17th: Venus in Cancer
June 17th: Mercury in Cancer

To get major transits and lunations in your calendar, check out my 2024 Astro Calendar!

BGG: 2024 Astro Calendar

This calendar includes all transits, every New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, Last Quarter Moon and Void of Course Moons lasting more than 4 hours. Each entry comes with guidance for that event as well as links to more in-depth information.

Get the Calendar

Now, let's dive into the more prominent transits of this season!

β™Š First, the Sun is in Gemini...

The sun moves into Gemini on May 20th at 8am CT and stays there until June 20th. Gemini season heralds a shift from the grounded, steady energy of Taurus to a more dynamic and communicative atmosphere. Governed by the quick-witted twins, Gemini season invites us to embrace curiosity, versatility, and intellectual exploration.

As a mutable air sign, Gemini thrives on mental stimulation and social interaction, making this a time for lively conversations, networking, and adapting to new ideas.

You can anticipate:

Curiosity and Versatility: Gemini's influence encourages a curious and adaptable mindset. During Gemini season, you may find yourself eager to explore diverse topics, engage in various activities, and connect with different people.

Intellectual Stimulation: With Mercury as its ruling planet, Gemini season amplifies mental activity and communication. It's an excellent time for brainstorming, learning, and sharing ideas. Expect your mind to be buzzing with inspiration and insights.

Social Butterfly Vibes: Gemini is known for its sociable nature and love of socializing. This season encourages gatherings, parties, and networking events where you can mingle, exchange thoughts, and make new connections.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Just as the twins embody duality, Gemini season emphasizes flexibility and adaptability. Be prepared to go with the flow, embrace change, and pivot when necessary. Rigidity may hinder progress during this time.

Restlessness and Fickleness: Gemini's mutable nature can sometimes lead to restlessness and indecision. You may feel pulled in multiple directions or struggle to commit to one path. It's essential to stay grounded and focused amidst the whirlwind of ideas.

Intellectual Pursuits: Gemini season favors activities that stimulate the mind, such as reading, writing, and engaging in debates or discussions. It's a favorable time for brainstorming new projects, exploring different perspectives, and expanding your knowledge base.

This is great for:

〰️ Engaging in lively conversations and debates, whether online or in-person
〰️ Exploring new interests and hobbies, embracing your curiosity and trying out different activities
〰️ Networking and building connections within your community or industry
〰️ Embracing flexibility in your plans and remaining open to unexpected opportunities
〰️ Nurturing your mental well-being through meditation, journaling, or mindfulness practices to manage any restlessness or scattered energy
〰️ Expressing yourself creatively through writing, storytelling, or other forms of artistic expression, tapping into Gemini's gift for communication and expression.

πŸ₯‚ Then, on May 23rd, Venus makes a conjunction to Jupiter before moving into Gemini on the same day as a Full Moon in Sagittarius...

Venus, the planet of love and abundance, is cozying up to Jupiter, the bringer of expansion and good fortune, in Taurus. Now, Taurus is all about indulgence, pleasure, and enjoying the finer things in life. So when these two meet up, it's like the universe throwing a lavish party and inviting us all to indulge in some serious self-love and pampering. Think spa days, decadent meals, and maybe even a little retail therapy thrown in for good measure.

But here's the kicker: this rendezvous is happening right before Venus glides into Gemini. Gemini, the social butterfly of the zodiac, brings a whole new energy to the mix. So imagine this luxurious Taurus vibe getting a dose of Gemini's curiosity and spontaneity. Suddenly, those cozy nights in turn into impromptu outings with friends, deep conversations over coffee, and maybe even a few flirty encounters along the way.

And just when you thought things couldn't get any juicier, cue the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the same day Venus enters Gemini. Now, Sagittarius is all about exploration, adventure, and seeking truth. So this Full Moon is like a cosmic spotlight shining down on our beliefs, values, and desires. It's urging us to break free from any limitations and embrace the wild, untamed spirit within us.

πŸ’‘ Then, two days later on May 25th, Jupiter moves into Gemini...

Jupiter, the cosmic Santa Claus of the zodiac, is packing its bags and bidding adieu to Taurus. So long, luxurious indulgence; hello, curious exploration! Yep, Jupiter's about to shake things up in the most Gemini-esque way possible from May 25th, 2024 through June 9th, 2025.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, is setting foot in Gemini, the sign of communication, curiosity, and versatility. It's like throwing open the doors to a giant library filled with endless books, each representing a new idea, a new adventure, a new perspective.

With Jupiter in Gemini, our minds are primed for expansion. We're hungry for knowledge, eager to soak up information like sponges, and ready to dive headfirst into a whirlwind of ideas. It's like our mental horizons are expanding at warp speed, and there's no telling where our curiosity might lead us next.

But here's the kicker: Gemini is all about variety and versatility. So while Jupiter is busy expanding our minds, it's also encouraging us to explore a smorgasbord of interests, hobbies, and experiences. One day we might be diving into the depths of philosophy, the next we could be dabbling in art, science, or maybe even learning a new language just for fun.

And let's not forget Gemini's penchant for socializing and networking. With Jupiter in the mix, our social circles are about to get a whole lot bigger. We'll find ourselves connecting with people from all walks of life, engaging in stimulating conversations, and maybe even stumbling upon some serendipitous opportunities along the way.

So get ready, my friend, because Jupiter in Gemini is like opening Pandora's box of possibilities. It's a time for intellectual exploration, social expansion, and embracing the kaleidoscope of life's adventures. So let's strap ourselves in and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

🟨 Later, on June 9th, the Sun squares Saturn...

Gemini season's buzzing with curiosity and energy, but when the Sun squares Saturn in Pisces, it's like a cosmic reality check. Gemini's lively vibe clashes with Saturn's call for discipline and structure, all filtered through the dreamy, intuitive lens of Pisces.

This aspect urges us to balance our intellectual pursuits with emotional depth, reminding us to listen to our inner voice amidst the whirlwind of Gemini's chatter. It's a time to slow down, reflect on our goals, and ensure we're building solid foundations for our dreams. So let's embrace the challenge, find the balance, and use this cosmic clash to grow and evolve during Gemini season.

What Signs will be most affected during Gemini Season?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Gemini placements are most affected by this astrology, all the mutable signs will be feeling this season a bit more than most:

〰️ Gemini
〰️ Virgo
〰️ Sagittarius
〰️ Pisces

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

Your Gemini Season Horoscope

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