Welcome to πŸ›€ Cancer Season πŸ›€

Welcome to πŸ›€ Cancer Season πŸ›€

So, we're about to wrap up Gemini season and dive headfirst into the cozy, watery depths of Cancer season. Gemini season has been all about exploration, curiosity, and socializing. With our minds buzzing like busy bees, we've been soaking up knowledge, connecting with friends, and maybe even feeling a bit scattered at times. The sun moves into Cancer on June 20th at 3:51pm CT and stays there until July 22nd.

But as we wave goodbye to the airy energy of Gemini, we're stepping into the warm embrace of Cancer season. Picture yourself curling up under a soft blanket with a cup of tea – that's the vibe of Cancer season. It's all about nurturing ourselves and others, finding comfort in our cozy spaces, and tapping into our emotional depths.

With Cancer ruling the home and family, we might feel a stronger pull towards spending time with loved ones, creating a sense of security in our surroundings, and indulging in some serious self-care. Emotions may run a bit deeper during this time, so don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling more introspective or sentimental.

Plus, with the Sun moving into Cancer, we're also gearing up for the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a time of abundance, growth, and basking in the sunshine (both literally and metaphorically). Soak up those rays!

Get ready to trade in your social butterfly wings for a cozy crab shell as we dive into Cancer season. Embrace the nurturing energy, cherish your loved ones, and remember to take care of yourself, inside and out. Here's to a season filled with love, warmth, and plenty of cozy vibes.

Key Dates πŸ¦€πŸ’–:

June 21st: Full Moon in Capricorn
June 29th: Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus
June 29th: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces
July 2nd: Mercury in Leo
July 2nd: Neptune Retrograde
July 5th: New Moon in Cancer
July 11th: Venus in Leo
July 15th: Mars Conjunct Uranus
July 20th: Mars in Gemini
July 21st: Full Moon in Capricorn (again)

If you want to add major dates for zodiac seasons, transits and lunar events to your calendar – check out my 2024 Astro Calendar!

Let's dive into the more prominent aspects/transits of this season!

β™‹ First, the Sun is in Cancer...

The sun moves into Cancer on June 20th at 3:51pm CT and stays there until July 22nd. Cancer season ushers in a nurturing and emotionally rich atmosphere, inviting us to explore our feelings, strengthen our bonds, and create a sense of security and belonging. Governed by the nurturing crab, Cancer encourages us to prioritize self-care, family connections, and emotional well-being.

You can expect:

Emotional Sensitivity: Cancer is a water sign known for its deep emotional sensitivity and intuition. During Cancer season, you may find yourself more attuned to your feelings and those of others. It's a time for introspection, emotional healing, and expressing vulnerability.

Family and Home Focus: With its strong ties to the home and family, Cancer season highlights domestic matters and personal relationships. You may feel drawn to spend more time with loved ones, create a cozy sanctuary, make home updates to better represent your inner world, or reflect on your roots and heritage.

Nurturing Energy: Like a protective mother, Cancer nurtures and cares for those around it. This season encourages acts of kindness, compassion, and support for others. Pay attention to your instincts and how you can offer comfort and reassurance to those in need.

Intuitive Insights: Cancer's intuitive nature can lead to profound insights and inner wisdom. Trust your gut feelings and inner guidance during this time, as they may provide valuable information on personal matters and decision-making.

Emotional Boundaries: While Cancer is deeply empathetic, it's essential to maintain healthy emotional boundaries. Be mindful of taking on too much emotional baggage from others or neglecting your own needs in favor of caretaking. Self-care practices are crucial for maintaining emotional balance.

Creativity and Imagination: Cancer season fosters creativity and imagination, particularly in domestic or nurturing pursuits. It's an excellent time for DIY projects, cooking comforting meals, or engaging in artistic activities that evoke feelings of warmth and nostalgia.

This is great for:

〰️ Strengthening bonds with family members and loved ones, whether through quality time together or heartfelt conversations
〰️ Creating a nurturing home environment that supports your emotional well-being, such as redecorating, decluttering, or adding cozy touches
〰️ Honoring your emotions through journaling, therapy, or creative expression, allowing yourself to feel and process deeply
〰️ Practicing self-care rituals that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, such as baths, meditation, or spending time in nature
〰️ Tapping into your intuition and inner wisdom through practices like meditation, dreamwork, or divination
〰️ Exploring your ancestral heritage or family history, connecting with your roots and understanding how they shape your identity and values.

πŸŒΉπŸ’« Then we get Venus in Cancer making a sextile to Mars in Taurus...

Alright, let's talk about the juicy astrological aspect brewing during Cancer season: Venus in Cancer forming a sweet sextile with Mars in Taurus.

Picture this: Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and all things luxurious, is cozying up in the sensitive waters of Cancer, while Mars, the fiery warrior, is chilling out in the grounded pastures of Taurus. It's like the ultimate cosmic cuddle session!

With Venus in Cancer, our hearts are seeking deep emotional connections and a sense of security in our relationships. We're craving intimacy, comfort, and nurturing vibes, and we're not afraid to show our softer, more vulnerable sides. And when Venus winks at Mars in Taurus through a harmonious sextile, it's like the universe is giving us a gentle nudge to indulge in sensual pleasures and explore our desires with a grounded, steady approach.

This dance between Venus and Mars invites us to embrace the beauty of slow, sensual moments, to savor the simple pleasures of life, and to express our affections in practical, tangible ways. Whether it's snuggling up with a loved one, indulging in a delicious home-cooked meal, or simply basking in the beauty of nature, this alignment encourages us to find joy and fulfillment in the little things. So, during this season, let's open our hearts wide, nurture our connections, and celebrate the delicious dance of love and desire.

πŸŒ•πŸŒŸ We also get TWO Full Moons in Capricorn...

Brace yourselves for a celestial double feature: two full moons in Capricorn. With each full moon casting its radiant glow, we're granted a unique opportunity to tap into Capricorn's practical wisdom and ambitious drive.

These back-to-back full moons in Capricorn offer us a chance to dive deep into the realms of responsibility, discipline, and long-term planning. It's a time to evaluate our goals, assess our progress, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure we're on the path to success. With Capricorn's guidance, we're encouraged to take concrete steps towards our aspirations, laying down sturdy foundations for the future. So, get ready to harness the power of these double full moons and set your sights high as you embark on this journey of achievement and growth.

I will dive WAY deeper (a double-click on this double feature 😜) in a future Moon Guide so stay tuned.

πŸš€βš‘ And Mars makes a conjunction to Uranus...

Hold onto your hats, because it is about to get electrifying with Mars forming a dynamic conjunction to Uranus in Taurus. Mars, the fiery planet of action and passion, joining forces with Uranus, the planet of innovation and unexpected change, creates a potent cocktail of revolutionary energy that's sure to shake things up.

This conjunction in Taurus, the sign of stability and material security, sparks a desire for liberation and a willingness to break free from anything holding us back. It's like a lightning bolt, igniting our inner rebel and pushing us to embrace our individuality with fearless determination. During this electrifying alignment, we're urged to embrace change, take bold risks, and trust in our instincts as we navigate uncharted territory. So, get ready to embrace the unexpected, challenge the status quo, and unleash your inner maverick!

What Signs will be most affected during Cancer Season?

While it may seem most obvious that those with Cancer placements are most affected by this astrology, all the cardinal signs will be feeling this season a bit more than most:

〰️ Cancer
〰️ Libra
〰️ Capricorn
〰️ Aries

Everyone can take advantage of this energy though. If you know your Rising Sign, read the horoscope for that (it will be more specific to you).

Your Cancer Season Horoscope

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