Astro 101: Eclipses

Eclipses feel like the universe giving you a swift kick in the a$$ or shoving you out of the metaphorical nest

Astro 101: Eclipses

New and full moons occur approximately every 29.5 days, reflecting varying illuminated portions of the moon visible from Earth due to its orbit around our planet.

Eclipses are rarer events resulting from specific alignments of the moon, Earth, and Sun. On average, we have 4-7 eclipses a year.

Eclipses are considered a significant celestial event effecting individuals and the collective. Eclipses are some of the key markers used in predictive astrology.

There are two types of eclipses. A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun's light, while a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon's surface.

Yes. Let’s break it down

Solar Eclipses

New Moons are when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth. The moon appears to disappear from the sky. Solar Eclipses happen on a New Moon where the Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth.

What does this look like?

In the path of totality (the location on earth where the total eclipse is visible) the moon moves across the sun, then appears to have a halo before a moment of total darkness. Once the moon passes through that point, it goes back to having a halo. As it keeps moving the sun is revealed again.

What does it mean?

A solar eclipse is kind of like a new moon that is being super extra in whatever sign it is in. By understanding its potential significance, individuals can use its energy to lean into profound growth and transformation.

Themes include:

  • new beginnings and endings
  • intensity and transformation
  • triggering change
  • connection to destiny and life path
  • energetic reset
  • global and collective impact

Lunar Eclipses

Full Moons are when the Earth is moving between the Sun and the Moon. The moon is fully illuminated by the Sun. Lunar Eclipses happen on a Full Moon where the Earth’s shadow blocks the Sun’s light from reaching the Moon.

What does this look like?

In the path of totality (the location on earth where the total eclipse is visible) the Moon appears to move through all the phases of a full cycle.

As the Earth blocks more and more light, the Moon takes on a more reddish hue, moving from copper to a “Blood Moon”.

What does this mean?

A lunar eclipse is like a full moon mic-dropping in whatever part of your chart the sign it’s in is activating. By understanding its potential significance, individuals can use its energy to release old patterns and integrate profound change.

Themes include:

  • culmination and release
  • emotional intensity and awareness
  • revelations and illuminations
  • balancing opposing energies
  • relationship dynamics
  • integration and transformation
  • karmic and destiny themes

2024 Eclipses

Eclipses coming in series, occurring in opposing signs as the North and South Nodes transit through the same signs. For 2024, we continue the Aries/Libra series from 2023 and also get a preview of the next series in Pisces/Virgo.

When the North Node is in Aries and the South Node is in Libra, we enter a dynamic and transformative period marked by the celestial dance between these cardinal signs. This eclipse series calls for a courageous leap into individuality and self-discovery (Aries), while also urging a release of outdated relationship dynamics and the quest for harmony (Libra).

Aries, ruled by Mars, encourages assertiveness, independence, and the pursuit of personal passions, while Libra, ruled by Venus, emphasizes diplomacy, partnership, and the quest for balance. During this period, eclipses serve as potent catalysts for breaking free from old patterns, embracing authenticity, and finding a healthy equilibrium between self-interest and cooperation.

This can look like digging into and addressing any:

〰️ People pleasing tendencies
〰️ Codependency
〰️ Self-abandonment
〰️ Issues with self-worth or deservingness
〰️ Lack mentality
〰️ Imposter syndrome

No big deal, right?? 😅 The good news is that you are supported at this time to do the work and this series won’t come back around until 2042. It's a time for forging new paths, asserting boundaries, and cultivating relationships that support personal growth and authenticity.

🤝 March 25th: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

This eclipse invites us to examine the balance within our relationships, both romantic and platonic, and to confront any imbalances or conflicts that may be present. It highlights the need to find harmony between our own desires and the needs of others, encouraging compromise and cooperation.

Emotionally, this eclipse may bring to light issues within relationships that need to be addressed or resolved. It can be a time of heightened sensitivity and awareness of the dynamics at play in our interactions with others. We may feel called to make adjustments in how we relate to others, seeking greater fairness, equality, and understanding.

On a collective level, this eclipse may also shine a spotlight on issues of justice, fairness, and social harmony. It can prompt discussions and actions aimed at creating a more equitable and balanced society.

This lunation is asking you:

  1. Where are you giving too much of your agency away and how are you going to stop doing that?
  2. What are the boundaries you need in place to not backslide into old patterns of people pleasing, codependency, etc?

🤝 April 8th: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

This eclipse invites us to embrace the spirit of adventure and embark on a journey of self-realization and personal growth. It encourages us to tap into our inner strength and confidence, and to assert ourselves in pursuit of our goals and aspirations.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries is a powerful time for setting intentions, initiating projects, and making decisive changes in our lives. It's a call to action, urging us to break free from limitations, take risks, and pursue our passions with enthusiasm and determination.

Eclipses are known for their transformative energy, and when combined with the assertive nature of Aries, this eclipse can catalyze profound shifts in our lives. It may bring sudden opportunities, unexpected challenges, or revelations that propel us forward on our path of self-discovery.

On a collective level, this eclipse may also spark movements for change, activism, and innovation. It can inspire collective action and initiatives aimed at creating a better future for ourselves and our communities.

Solar eclipses are like restarting your computer with a new operating system. This is about integrating everything you have learned from the rest of this eclipse series and making that part of the new, upgraded you.

🧘‍♀️ September 17th: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

This first eclipse in the Pisces/Virgo series brings a heightened sense of emotional depth, spiritual insight, and sensitivity to the forefront. Pisces, symbolized by the Fishes, is associated with compassion, intuition, and the subconscious mind. When a Lunar Eclipse occurs in Pisces, it magnifies the intuitive and spiritual qualities of this sign, inviting us to delve into the realms of the unconscious and explore our deepest emotions and spiritual connections.

This eclipse encourages us to release and let go of any emotional baggage or patterns that no longer serve our highest good. It illuminates areas of our lives where we may be holding onto illusions or delusions, allowing us to see things with greater clarity and understanding. It's a time for deep reflection, healing, and spiritual renewal.

Pisces is also the sign of empathy and compassion, and during this eclipse, we may feel more attuned to the emotions and experiences of others. It's a time for practicing forgiveness, empathy, and unconditional love, both towards ourselves and towards others.

On a collective level, this eclipse may bring to light issues related to spirituality, creativity, and collective consciousness. It can inspire acts of compassion, altruism, and collective healing as we come together to support one another on our spiritual journey.

Since this kicks off the series, this lunation asks:

  1. How connected are you to your intuition? How strong is your trust muscle for yourself?
  2. What emotional blocks do you need to address? What do you need to release or let go of that is holding you back from healing?

🤝 October 2nd: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

This eclipse invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery within the context of our relationships. It encourages us to examine the balance within our partnerships and to address any imbalances or conflicts that may arise. It's a time for fostering deeper connections, strengthening bonds, and finding common ground with others.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra also prompts us to explore the concept of justice and fairness in our lives. It calls us to evaluate our actions and decisions with integrity and to strive for fairness and equality in our interactions with others. It's an opportunity to seek resolutions to conflicts and to promote peace and harmony in our communities.

On a personal level, this eclipse may bring opportunities for new beginnings in relationships or partnerships. It can mark a time of growth, evolution, and renewal in our connections with others. It's a time for setting intentions related to collaboration, cooperation, and building mutually beneficial alliances.

This is the last Libra eclipse in this series. Consider this a system upgrade to solidify everything you worked on and integrated since the March 25th Libra Lunar Eclipse.

What does this mean specifically for me in 2024?

Aries Rising:

The eclipse series falls across your 1st and 7th houses, emphasizing themes of self-identity, independence, and partnership dynamics. You may be called to strike a balance between asserting your individuality and nurturing meaningful relationships, while also addressing any imbalances in your personal and professional partnerships.

Taurus Rising:

With the eclipse series spanning your 12th and 6th houses, you're urged to confront hidden patterns, self-sabotage, and the need for self-care and service. This period may bring revelations from your subconscious, encouraging you to release old habits and embrace a healthier lifestyle while finding a balance between solitude and service to others.

Gemini Rising:

The eclipses occur in your 11th and 5th houses, highlighting themes of friendship, community, creativity, and self-expression. You're prompted to reassess your social circles, goals, and creative pursuits, finding harmony between your personal passions and your involvement in group activities or collective endeavors.

Cancer Rising:

With the eclipse series activating your 10th and 4th houses, you're called to navigate themes of career, authority, home, and family. This period may bring changes in your professional life or family dynamics, urging you to find a balance between your public and private life, as well as your professional ambitions and emotional security.

Leo Rising:

The eclipses impact your 9th and 3rd houses, focusing on themes of higher learning, travel, communication, and sibling relationships. You're encouraged to explore new horizons, expand your knowledge, and engage in open-minded communication while finding a balance between seeking adventure and staying grounded in your immediate environment.

Virgo Rising:

With the eclipse series spanning your 8th and 2nd houses, you're prompted to delve into themes of intimacy, shared resources, values, and self-worth. This period may bring transformations in your financial situation, relationships, or sense of self-worth, urging you to find a balance between giving and receiving, as well as between material and emotional security.

Libra Rising:

The eclipses occur in your 7th and 1st houses, highlighting themes of partnerships, identity, and self-discovery. You're called to reassess your relationships, personal goals, and sense of self, finding a balance between your own needs and the needs of others while cultivating healthy, balanced partnerships.

Scorpio Rising:

With the eclipse series activating your 6th and 12th houses, you're urged to address themes of health, work, service, and spirituality. This period may bring changes in your daily routines, health habits, or spiritual practices, urging you to find a balance between self-care and serving others while confronting hidden patterns or past traumas.

Sagittarius Rising:

The eclipses impact your 5th and 11th houses, focusing on themes of creativity, romance, friendships, and social networks. You're encouraged to express yourself authentically, pursue your passions, and nurture meaningful connections while finding a balance between personal enjoyment and contributing to the greater good.

Capricorn Rising:

With the eclipse series spanning your 4th and 10th houses, you're called to navigate themes of home, family, career, and public reputation. This period may bring changes in your living situation, family dynamics, or professional aspirations, urging you to find a balance between your personal and professional life while honoring your emotional needs and responsibilities.

Aquarius Rising:

The eclipses occur in your 3rd and 9th houses, highlighting themes of communication, learning, travel, and belief systems. You're prompted to expand your mind, engage in open-minded communication, and explore new horizons while finding a balance between seeking knowledge and staying grounded in your immediate environment.

Pisces Rising:

With the eclipse series activating your 2nd and 8th houses, you're urged to address themes of finances, values, intimacy, and transformation. This period may bring changes in your financial situation, values, or shared resources, urging you to find a balance between financial stability and emotional security while confronting issues of trust and vulnerability in your relationships.

For more specifics about what this looks like for you, book a reading!